A Sensitive Education
Francesca Todde
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Luca Reffo
Francesca Todde
Francesca Todde
Luca Reffo
978 88 944622 2 7
Fedrigoni Arcoset, Fedrigoni Woodstock Cipria and Giallo, Surbalin Glatt
Hard cover
4-color offset with UV inks
Second Printing of 500, May 2021, Hand-numbered
With A Sensitive Education the photographer Francesca Todde explores, through the figure of bird educator Tristan Plot, the possibilities of empathy between different natural species. The narrative, far from being a naturalist documentation, is rather focused on the emotional sphere and sensitivity of birds and humans. The photographic research develops in resonance with the delicacy of this wordless dialogue.
“A Sensitive Education is a call to regain our sensitivity, to find our balance with nature, and to pay closer attention to the world around us. It is a thoughtful and beautifully produced book, that delivers a powerful acclamation of Plot’s vision. “
Olga Yatskevich
“A sensitive education is by no means a demonstration, but a strong poetic perception of the co-partnership of man and the animal kingdom.”
Fabien Ribery, L’intervalle
“I opened the book and my breath slowed. 2020 fell away. Francesca Todde has described in visual, visceral terms, a particular understanding of birds.“
Terri Weifenbach