Året – København, maj 2018 / The Year – Copenhagen, May 2018
Varios artistas daneses
Blankt Papir Press
Digital printing
Lavender-coloured cover / 250gr carton / offset printing and embossing
115 gr. and 100 gr. silk
115 gr. and 100 gr. silk
A monthly photobook publication featuring contemporary works by Copenhagen-based photographers engaged in portraying the city of Copenhagen during 2018. The chosen photographers spent the 20 first days of the month photographing the city; consequently a photobook was put together featuring the results. Presenting different artists every month, Året / The Year gathered throughout 2018 a growing and diverse collection of perspectives and practices.
While Copenhagen has been named the most liveable city in the world several times, and we have seen many beautiful vistas of the Danish capital, the reality is always far more complex. This diary representing varied and personal points of view will offer readers an uncensored and unfiltered portrait of the city: “This is our Copenhagen”.
Every month is a limited edition run of 100 hand-numbered copies only. The entire collection (all 12 books) of Året, København 2018 / The Year, Copenhagen 2018 also come in a Special Edition. The Special Edition set is limited to 10 and comes in a handmade slipcase - every case has a unique color combination.
See more at www.copenhagenyear.com
The artists portraying May in Copenhagen:
Mazja Hillestrøm
Ann-Sophie Fjellø Jensen
Christiane Helsted Juul
Cecilie Nicoline Rasmussen
Louise Bøgelund Saugmann
Katrine Skovsgaard
Sussie Weinold