Paola Favoino
Edizioni D’Ottobre
Aminta Pierri
Riccardo Gola
Paola Favoino and Eliana Leshaj
munken lynx and fedrigoni sirio
53 pages of photographs and a poem
munken lynx and fedrigoni sirio
The book contains a poem of Eliana Leshaj
All text are in italian, english and albanian
Qr code for extra contents inside
first edition of 250 copies (10 as special edition)
A path of intimate and dreamlike discovery, which proceeds step by step on the traces of life and memory. A narrative made of cuts that can break the definitions and certainties, the external and intimate borders. A close comparison between landscape and portrait, where indeed the landscape can become a portrait os someone's personality.
This is a long-term project started in 2011, when Paola Favoino discovered the extraordinary existences of the Albanian Sworn Virgins and started to travel through the country looking for the last ones, the so called Burrnesh, women who become men following an ancient balkan tradition.