It Was Absolutely Worth It
Evan Davis
Penumbra FoundationImage Threads
United States
New York
Evan Davis
Harry Gassel
Perfect bound
“It was absolutely worth it” is about holding on
to what’s precious. A study of home, communal love,
the quiet beauty of the mundane and heartbreak in
the thought of losing it all. Like a country music ballad,
this project tries to wrap its arms around what is
beloved and fleeting, while grappling with the
brutal reality that one day, we have to leave it all behind.
The book was self-published
on February 10th, 2022 at Zona Maco.
An edition of 300
64 pages, 41 color photographs
8.5in x 7in
Printed in Los Angeles, CA
Cover Design, Harry Gassel
The book is available in 3 dust jacket colors:
Dark Blue, Sky Blue, and Moonstone.
For Naomi, Devon, and David
Thank you Jenia Fridlyand for your support
and guidance, everyone who participated
and contributed to the Long Term Program
at Penumbra Foundation, and the countless friends
who lent an ear, moved a picture around, and
encouraged seeing this through.
Thank you Joe Nankin for your help
in writing the statement above.