Forest Gardeners part 2
Sébastien Michaud
Sébastien Michaud
Sébastien Michaud
Newspaper Club
60 | 106 color photographs +16 pages inserted booklet, paperback
90lbs white bright digital newsprint paper
The project Forest Gardeners is a long-term photo essay started in 2016 and completed in 2020. Focusing both on the tree’s life cycle and on forestry workers, the initial approach intends to pay tribute to the workers, but is also the willingness to discover the world of forestry and to take a look at the use of men and equipment in forest management. The photo essay was conceived in three parts: the cultivation, the plantation and the harvesting of trees in the boreal forest. The boreal forest is the largest forest ecosystem on the planet, and a large part of it is located in the region of Saguenay Lac-St-Jean. Logging companies in this area and everywhere in Québec (Canada) have to contribute to the reforestation since they have been harvesting trees for many years. The forest is for the most part composed of black spruce (85%), a tree essence that is highly sought-after for its qualities of resistance not only for lumber, intended for construction, but also for pulp and paper production from shavings.
English: For the second part of the series, the photographer focuses on the workers who take part in the reforestation, more specifically on those who plant, with their own hands, more than 65 million trees, year in, year out, in the forests of Québec
Français: Pour la deuxième partie, le reportage se penche sur les travailleurs qui oeuvrent au reboisement, plus spécifiquement aux reboiseurs qui mettent en terre, de leurs mains, plus de 65 millions d’arbres bon an, mal an dans les forêts québécoises.