Mi gran noche
Mi gran noche
Mi gran noche
Mi gran noche
Mi gran noche
Mi gran noche
Mi gran noche
Mi gran noche
Mi gran noche

Mi gran noche





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Mi Gran Noche (My Big Night) includes a series of landscapes taken from Google Maps, which play with a strange ambivalence where nothing is what it seems. The reader travels through beaches, mountains, deserts… but also goes to industrial estates, dark alleys and cemeteries.

This tour, sometimes romantic, sometimes sordid, actually hides locations, experiences and recommendations for having sex in public places. A unique leisure guide in which we have all seen ourselves reflected at some point in our lives.

The title “Mi Gran Noche” (My Big Night) is taken from the song of the same name by a well-known Spanish singer, Raphael, whose first lines perfectly summarize the essence of the project.

Today is a special day for me because I will go out at night.
I will be able to live what the world gives us when the sun already hides.
I will be able to sing a sweet song in the moonlight.
And caress and kiss my love like I never did.

Language: Spanish

Limited edition of 150 copies

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