Riocities – Rony Maltz
Rony Maltz
São Paulo
{Lp} press
Rony Maltz
sewn binding
Polen Bold 90g / Rives Basane 120g / River Basane 270 (cover) / Pergamenatto (jacket)
Riocities was edited from more than 40,000 pictures made in the first decade of the 2000s in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in addition to historical images from public archives. The book can be framed within a specific context: the accelerated process of urban transformations that Rio has gone through in recent years to host the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. Parallel to this narrative, another conflict takes place here: documentary photographs pose as evidences of objective reality, due to the verisimilitude they keep with the visible world; at the same time, they suggest that we can abstract them, read them as symbols for metaphorical cities, imagined or potential worlds that exist only in memory, in dreams or in language.
– Fotobookfestival Kassel Dummy Awards 2017, finalist
– 10×10 AWAKE: Protest, Liberty and Resistance, selection
– Istanbul, Photobook Festival / 28-30 April
– Dublin, Photoireland / 1-31 May
– Moscow,Photobookfest / 11-21 May
– Lodz, Fotofestiwal / 30 May to 12 June
– Rome, Fotoleggendo / 16 June to 2 July
– Aarhus, Photobook Week / 21 – 24 September
– Zagreb, Organvida festival / 7 – 24 September
– Madrid, IED 3. – 13. November
– Pittsburgh, PA, PGH Photo Fair – Carnegie Museum of Art / April 29-30, 2017
– New York City, NY, Magnum Foundation / June 17, 2017
– Ithaca, NY, Image Text Ithaca Symposium / June 30 – July 1, 2017
– São Paulo, SP, Feira Plana 5 – Pavilhão da Bienal do Ibirapuera / 18-20 de march de 2017
– Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Feira Tijuana 15 – Parque Lage / 6 de may de 2017
Author: Rony Maltz (Rio de Janeiro, 1983) is a visual artist, editor and teacher, he researches photobooks as a PhD student at EBA/UFRJ and has an MFA in Photography from ICP-Bard College. His label {Lp} press specializes in photography books, such as Vila Autódromo, Rio de Janeiro, third prize at the Fotobookfestival Kassel Dummy Award 2019. Producer of the URCA Photobook Fair in Rio, from 2014 to 2018, and curator of exhibitions O erro, a rua [The Error, the Street] and Possible Books, at Ateliê da Imagem (RJ), and LIVRO LIVRE [FREE BOOK], in Arles, France, in 2019. He is currently assistant editor of ZUM magazine, from Moreira Salles Institute (IMS).