schöner wärs wenns schöner wär (it would be nicer if it were nicer) – Gold Edition in a collectors box with 2 signed print
Christian ReisterChristoph Schieder
Christoph Schieder
Christian Reister
Christoph Schieder
Clamp binding
130g Munken Pure, yellowish white, uncoated design paper and 135g picture print matt - with volume, matt coated on both sides
Schieder, a master student of Arno Fischer, attracted attention with "Lothar's Apartment", published by chrismon edition, when he juxtaposed photos of a flat taken during the lifetime of its occupant with those of the same flat renovated after the occupant's death.
Reister, who has long been on the road at night in his otherwise very lively city, has published pictures of it in "Berlin Nights", published by Hoxton Mini Press, London, and in "alle Katzen grau" (all cats grey), self-published.
Schieder, a master student of Arno Fischer, attracted attention with "Lothar's Apartment", published by chrismon edition, when he juxtaposed photos of a flat taken during the lifetime of its occupant with those of the same flat renovated after the occupant's death.
Reister, who has long been on the road at night in his otherwise very lively city, has published pictures of it in "Berlin Nights", published by Hoxton Mini Press, London, and in "alle Katzen grau" (all cats grey), self-published.
Christian Reister and Christoph Schieder would have liked it better in the last lockdown winter
The topics Christian Reister and Christoph Schieder have discussed during their nightly walks with beer and camera is nothing traditional. What has been handed down, however, are photographs that the two skilled strollers brought back from these walks in the lockdown winter of 2020/2021 and that are now appear in this large-format publication.
The 24-page, A3 booklet with the (beautiful, the German) title "schöner wärs wenns schöner wär" („it would be nicer if it were nicer“) is minimalist and designed with great attention to detail. The title, for example, which runs across the black cover and the first inside page, is screen-printed by hand. In contrast to the large format black-and-white photographs by Christian Reister, the mostly small-format color photographs by Christoph Schieder are coated with a varnish and printed on different paper so that the images of the two photographers contrast with each other with their color scheme and size.
While Schieder's photographs focus primarily on the details of the Berlin night, Reister often looks at the deserted big picture. The fact that Schieder, who by his own account was rather melancholy through the winter, chose gaudy colors for his work, while the more optimistic Reister preferred black and white with a tendency toward deep black. This accounts for much of the appeal of the compilation of images in the publication and exhibition. Thus, despite all the lockdown tristesse, both photographers are confident that things will eventually become more beautiful again.Gold Edition:
No. 1 – 30, with golden letters on the cover, incl. 2 signed fine art prints of photos by Christoph Schieder and Christian Reister that are not shown in the book, packed in an archive box with hand-printed letters.
Stitched publication, offset printing on different papers, hand-screened title letters, numbered, signed, limited edition of 200 copies, 20 pages, 47 illustrations, DIN A3