State of Shame
Indrė Urbonaitė
The Hague
Monika Mickutė
Vitalija Stepušaitytė
Agia (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Ibo One 60gsm and Munken Lynx 120gsm
Ibo One 60gsm and Munken Lynx 120gsm
The dummy of this publication received the special mention at Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award 2018.
The book “State of Shame” is part of the project which examines a particular relationship between the image and its role. An archive of images found on various media channels was put together showing suspects cringing and blending with objects into obscure statue like figures all in an effort to hide. Does the act of hiding prove the guilt? Or rather suggests the presumption of innocence? Could the need of such imagery imply the public shaming as its main role? In an attempt to answer it each figure is removed from its original image and any additional information, which leaves the focus only on enlarged peculiar shape. Each of these shapes is a result of a struggle to conceal one’s identity. Yet each shape is an effort to reveal one.