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Oğuz Karakütük
Oğuz Karakütük
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Munken Pure 135gr
64 regular + 16 folded pages
Munken Pure 135gr
first trial dummy
One day, I saw a notice for the missing cat of one of our foreign neighbours on the entrance door of our building. I am almost sure that, the owners who posted the notice are foreigners, because, the notice was bilingual (both in English and in Turkish) and “missing” was translated into Turkish as “eksik” and somebody scratched out “eksik” and wrote “kayıp” (which is more correct from the Turkish vocabulary point of view) instead.
This very naïve confusion made me to think about the two words; “eksik” and “kayıp”. “Kayıp” in Turkish expresses the situation of being lost, absence, but “eksik” is the situation of how it is felt after you lose somebody or something valuable, it is something like a big void, may be very deep blue, may be foggy, always with some sorrow.
I tried to reflect the relation, sometimes the tension of this two interwoven words. That’s all. Life is a memory, if you forgot, you die.