Alejandro Castellote
Pioneering format halfway between book, music and performance. It’s like a DJ session, but with photography books, teaching and mixing books to create a ‘story’, inviting the audience to feel and enjoy them. This classic Fiebre, was created by our colleague Bonifacio Barrio Hijosa in 2012.
“A selection of eight photobooks, six of them by Asian authors -Japan, China, India and South Korea- from different periods, and by two Peruvian photographers. All of them have in common their marked experimental character. They reflect on identity, the nature of photography or the way of telling stories”.
Book list:
- Amazogramas, Roberto Huarcaya, Autopublicado, 2014
- Empire and Joseon, Sang Hyun Lee, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, 2008
- The Coast: Twelve parallel short stories, Sohrab Hura, Self Published (Ugly Dog), 2019
- Toransupearento. Daisuke Yokota, Kominek Books—Newfave, 2014
- Photo Tibet: 1993-1995, Gao Bo, C&D, 1996
- White Vessels, Koo Bohnchang, Yoonshin Co. Ltd., 2015
- Embrace / Hoyo, Eikoh Hosoe, Shashin Hyoronsha Publishing House, 1971
- Los Shibayama, Giancarlo Shibayama, Autoeditado, 2017
Guest artist: AlejandroCastellote
Recording and editing: La Famosa Production
Production: Fiebre Photobook 2024
Activity subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.