
21 22 23
June, 2024

Friday: Photos and books

A journey into the future of the photobook, looking at the origin, and without losing the perspective of the now.  


Looking for the impossible. An anthology of texts on the origin of photography

With the participation of Martí Llorens, Rebecca Mutell and na Galán
Moderator: Nieves Limón

An anthology of texts on the origin of photography. An edition divided into three volumes, Utopia, Materiality and Praxis, which compiles 100 original texts from the 19th century translated from English and French, annotated by the editors and the translator.


Don't miss out!

Photography books in Portugal: from the revolution to the present day

With the participation of Filipa Valladares
Moderator: Nieves Limón

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, and that decade of the 1970s is the starting point for a book that compiles 88 Portuguese photobooks.


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The book after the announcement of its death

With the participation of Jaime Narváez, Clara López and Sara Fernández.
Moderator: Nieves Limón

In The End of the Books, a meeting is described in which the members of the congregation are explaining the changes they envision for the new twentieth century. To the general surprise, one of them announces the end of paper. Based on this 19th century text, Jaime Narváez praises the physical book in which he states that digital technology has forced us to rethink the objects that surround us and to reconsider the value of the material.


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Saturday: A photobook, a library, a collection

In order to promote collecting, we will learn about the experiences of various speakers that amplify and disseminate the work of publishers and authors, as well as initiatives that facilitate the production or a unique proposal for collecting at cost price.


The role of libraries

With the participation of Isabel Cabrera (Museo Reina Sofía), Javier P. Iglesias (BBAA Library, UCM), Eneka Fernández (Tabakalera) and Gabriela Cendoya (GCBC collection – San Telmo Museoa).
Moderator: Sonia Berger

The support of libraries is essential both for their conservation work and for the creation of collections for research purposes, as well as for the possibility they represent to contribute to greater dissemination and access by the reading community.


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The photobook as a pillar in the dissemination of photography

With the participation of Julián Barón (Fotoliber), Mireia Alises (Photo Art Books) and Jota Barros (El Club de Fotografía Callejera and Podcast Calle Oscura).
Moderator: Olmo González

Are photobooks an essential tool for the dissemination of photography? We will talk about the work of dissemination and the passion for photobooks of leading figures in the sector.


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Dummy Awards

Part 1 with the participation of: Juan Valbuena, Miguel Ángel Esteban and Miren Pastor.

Part 2 with the participation of: Julia Mejnertsen, Ricardo Báez, Sergio Valenzuela Escobedo and Sonia Berger.

Part 1: Aware of the difficulties in publishing a photobook, we present 5 initiatives that facilitate opportunities for authors: Fiebre, Star Award, Intergalactica and Fotolibro<40 and Fotocanal. Photography Book of the Community of Madrid.

Part 2: This will be followed by the presentation of the photobook HUN by Julia Mejnertsen, winner of the XII Fiebre Dummy Award, a call organized in collaboration with Artes Gráficas Palermo, Dalpine and La Troupe.

*This event is supported by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and its Program for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture (PICE).

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Fiesta Fiesta: run and fly

With the participation of Natalia Troitiño, Ricardo Cases, Miguel Ángel Tornero, María Serrano and Antonio M. Xoubanova.
Moderator: Bonifacio Barrio Hijosa

In 2008 Natalia Troitiño and Ricardo Cases launched FiestaEdiciones and in 2010 they published the first issue of Fiesta Fiesta. Fourteen years later, there are 14 issues published of this unparalleled publishing outreach project.

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Sunday: Long live the photobook

Photobooks have many lives and give a lot of life. Don't miss the experiences of authors of photobooks and models.


Talking Books

With the participatino of Valeria Mata, Carlos Alba, Faczine, Flavia Schuster, Santos Álvarez León & Marga Guinea, Laura San Segundo and Carolina Galiano. 

Moderate: Daniel Mayrit

In an express format, different authors and publishers present their most recent publications.


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With the participation of Sergio Castañeira and Montse Puig.
Moderator: Daniel Mayrit

Back to photography. The process of creation in “Limbo”, from the photographic practice as therapy to the publication of the book.


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Cosecha 2024

With the participation of the 48 authors of the exhibited models.
Moderators: Juan Cires and Juan Barte.

Annual meeting organized by the Photobook Club Madrid that gives voice to all the people who develop their projects in book form and want to share their previous models.


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