Remanente 4, Cazadores de faisanes

Cazadores de faisanes

Remanente 4 

Gráficas Molinari


Punto de Fuga

Gráficas Molinari was a popular graphics workshop founded in 1952 by Spaniard Antonio Molinari in Cali, Colombia. From the 1950s until the late 1980s, the company, located near Plaza Caicedo in Cali, reproduced religious, mythological, genre, portrait, show business, still life and landscape images through chromolithography, a printing technique that allows vivid and unusual color due to the use of more than four inks and special ranges. José Ruiz, the creator and overseer of this image archive, has turned Gráficas Molinari into a research and creation project on the development, circulation and uses of popular graphics in Latin America.

Each year it invites artists, designers, curators, publicists, historians, sociologists or anyone interested to use the images produced by this printing house in their projects. Remanente is the magazine produced as a result of these dialogues. Issue number four seems important because it makes use of photography as archival material to tell the story of pheasant hunters and how they were viewed in Colombian society at the time. Three hundred copies of that magazine were published in 2019.

The editor was Claudia Leal who worked in association with Natalia Gutiérrez. The graphic design was in charge of José Ruiz. The interesting thing about this magazine is that it is shown as a process of study of the image. Nicolás Martínez, Ivonne Restrepo, Alejandra Tisnés, Alejandro Montoya, Juan Pablo Fajardo, Sebastián Múnera and Christian Bonet collaborated in this issue.

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